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Minecraft Pc Mac

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Use one of these Minecraft Plains seeds to create a world where you spawn in a Plains biome in Java Edition 1.16, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13 or 1.12.2.

In Minecraft, the Plains is a biome in the Overworld. It is relatively flat land with dull green grass. Usb flash drive not working mac. It has lots of streams, lakes, caves, and wildlife. In many instances, you can find villages in the Plains.


Plains Village

Here are some Plains seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

Change the Java Version (above) to show seeds that work with a specific version such as: 1.16, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13 or 1.12.2.

Plains Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.16

This Minecraft seed spawns you on the edge of a Desert biome. There is a Ruined Portal nearby to the East at coordinates (208,72,48) which you can see as the red area in this picture.

If you travel to the South, you can find a Plains Village at coordinates (144,70,234). If you travel to the North, you can find a herd of horses.

Related Topics:Desert, Horse, Plains, Ruined Portal, Village

Seed: 120

This Minecraft seed spawns you on a small Plains island. At the East side of the island, you can find a shipwreck that is underwater at coordinates (160,~,-112).

There is also an Ocean Monument very close by to the North at coordinates (176,~,-224) which you can be seen in the top-left corner of this image. Skyrim mac os x.

Related Topics:Beach, Ocean Monument, Plains, Shipwreck

Seed: 101

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Plains biome filled with lots of pigs, cows, and chickens. There is even a herd of horses to the South and if you go even further South, you will find a Savanna biome with acacia trees and sheep.

If you travel West, you will find a Desert village at coordinates (-126,65,262).

Related Topics:Horse, Plains, Savanna, Village

Seed: 400061

Mac studio perfect spf 15 compact. This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Plains biome with a group of horses right next to you off to the South. Directly below you is an Abandoned Mineshaft with a skeleton and a bat in the tunnel.

If you travel to the West, you will see an Extreme Hills biome with a Stone Shore on the West side.

Minecraft Pc Version

Related Topics:Abandoned Mineshaft, Bat, Extreme Hills, Horse, Plains, Skeleton, Stone Shore

Seed: 9026

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Forest biome right next to a pack of wolves (just a few blocks South of you).

Almost beneath you is an Abandoned Mineshaft at coordinates (-32,~,224). And if you travel North, you will go past a River, the Plains, and then come to the Gravelly Mountains biome with a large waterfall on one side and a lavafall on the other.

Related Topics:Forest, Gravelly Mountains, Plains, River, Wolf

Seed: 57275

This rare Minecraft seed spawns you in a Plains biome right next to a Pyramid! Check out the Pyramid for traps and treasures.

You also border along a Desert, a River, and a couple of different Savanna biomes. There is even a Savanna Village to the West. You can find lots of wildlife nearby such as cows, chickens, and sheep. This is one of the best seeds for exploration and one that you should try!

Related Topics:Plains, Pyramid, River, Savanna, Village

Minecraft Pc Mac
Seed: 12947

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Plains biome with lots of wildlife such as sheep, pigs, and horses.

If you travel to the South, you will find a Birch Forest Hills biome. Just cross the river and look for the mountains with birch trees on top and you've found the Birch Forest Hills.

Related Topics:Birch Forest Hills, Horse, Plains

Seed: 89276354

This Minecraft seed spawns you next to a Swampland, Plains, Desert and Savanna biome. To the East in the Plains biome, you can find a group of wild donkeys to tame.

To the South, you can find a herd of wild horses and some cows.

If you are looking for slimes, just wait until night and watch them spawn in the Swampland.

Related Topics:Donkey, Horse, Plains, Slime, Swamplands

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Seed: 7000

This seed spawns you in the Plains biome with a Plains Village with an Iron Golem patrolling and lots of animals such as pigs, sheep and horses.

Right next to this Plains biome is a Dark Forest with large red mushrooms towering through the dark oak trees.

Related Topics:Dark Forest, Horse, Plains, Village

Seed: 7004

This Minecraft seed spawns you in the middle of a Plains biome that is filled with wildlife. You can find cows, sheep and pigs. If you look to the North, you can find a herd of wild horses.

This is a great seed to use if you want to tame horses or if you want to breed your own animals and create an animal farm.

Related Topics:Horse, Plains

Seed: 5678

Other Plains Seeds

Other Java Edition Seeds

Check out these other interesting seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

Minecraft Pc Mac Download

  • Biomes
  • Structures
  • Mobs

Seeds for Biomes

Seeds for Structures

Minecraft Pc Mac Crossplay

Seeds for Mobs

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